Title The American West Winter 1965, Volume II No 1
Binding Soft cover
Book Condition Very Good
Type Book
Publisher Western History Association 1965
Seller ID 020932
Magazine, 80 pages.
Very good condition, right edge of cover sun lightened. Kit Carson and
the Adobe Walls Campaign by Robert M Utley, The Bomb at the Governor's
Gate by Bryce W Anderson, "How Near is the Morning" by William Brandon,
Fire on the Comstock The Virgina City Fire of October 26 1875 by Lewis
Atherton, Adios to a Free Man J. Frank Dobie by Joe B Frantz, The
Devil's Hatband (barbed wire) by Loula Grace Erdman, The "Lasting Peace"
of Fort Laramie Prelude to Massacre by James C Olson, A Museum in
Search of the West Amon D Carter by Mitchell A Wilder, The Unwritten
West by Jay Gurian.
Price =
15.00 USD
Link: The American West Winter 1965, Volume II No 1